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The Architectures of “Supervenice" with Sara Marini

Nowtilus. Stories from an urban lagoon in the 21st century


digital activity

Available on Ocean Archive, SoundCloud, Spotify and iTunes.

Sara Marini, architect and professor in Architectural and Urban Composition at Iuav University in Venice, tells us about some of her latest editorial projects that analyse and interpret Venice from an architectural point of view and beyond. We will discuss important examples of architectural recovery and re-purposing of buildings in the city, also exploring Sara Marini's research on the re-use of abandoned churches in Venice, with a particular focus on the church of San Lorenzo, now the home of Ocean Space.

Episode available on Ocean Archive, SoundCloud, Spotify and iTunes.

Music: Chateau Rouge by Christian Fennesz, taken from the album "Venice" (2004) and excerpts from "Sea Change" (2017) by Theo Teardo. Courtesy of Christian Fennesz, Touch Music, and Theo Teardo.

Sara Marini

Sara Marini, architect, PhD, is Professor of Architectural and Urban Composition at the Iuav University of Venice. Since 2020 she is in charge of the Iuav research unit for national research PRIN "Sylva". Since 2019 she is director of the architectural publication "Vesper. Journal of Architecture, Arts & Theory ", Iuav. She is director of the editorial series "Àncore" (Libria), "Carte blanche" (Bruno) and "Quodlibet studio. Città e paesaggio. In teoria". In 2018 she exhibited "Casa nera" in the Italian Pavilion at the 16th International Architecture Exhibition in Venice. Main publications: "Sull’autore. Le foreste di cristallo di Maria Giuseppina Grasso Cannizzo" (Quodlibet 2017), "Venice. 2nd Document" (with A. Bertagna, Bruno 2017), "Le concert. Pink Floyd à Venise" (with L.-C. Szacka, S. Lorrain, Éditions B2 2017), "Nuove terre. Architetture e paesaggi dello scarto" (Quodlibet 2010), "Architettura Parassita. Strategie di riciclaggio per la città" (Quodlibet 2008).