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WE ARE OCEAN_Drops in the Ocean

Individual agency and outreach in the wake of climate change


Zoom Platform
Admission fee
Free of charge

The reservation is required at


The Conversation will be held in English

This fishbowl discussion, organized as part of the Venice iteration of ARTPORT_making waves’ WE ARE OCEAN in collaboration with TBA21–Academy, will assess the topic of how individual agency and collective action can counter problems tied to environmental degradation, especially from an oceanic perspective. The speakers, together with the public, will reflect on the necessarily diverse and interdisciplinary approach needed to inquire and communicate such complex issues, focusing on the intersection between art, science, policy and humanities. How can an institution reach the public in order to spread awareness correctly, tackling the pervasiveness of fake news and environmental indifference? How can an individual researcher or artist use their individuality to effectively direct their actions? How to coordinate a collaboration between typically distant disciplines in order to create new knowledge that is able to inspire collective action? When something is too big to be perceived by an individual, a multifaceted approach becomes urgent. Together, we will try to address such overwhelming topics with the aim to better understand how to study, act and reach out for allies.

The panelists will be Anne-Marie Melster, co-founder and director of ARTPORT_making waves, Fiona Middleton, marine geoscientist and Ocean Fellow at TBA21–Academy, Angela Pomaro, researcher at CNR-ISMAR, and Francesca Santoro, programme specialist at the UNESCO Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission. Pietro Consolandi, artist and researcher with a background in political theory, also Ocean Fellow at TBA21–Academy, will be the moderator.

PHOTO: Fishbowl discussion for WE ARE OCEAN Berlin at Futurium. Ph. René Arnold


Members of the audience will be invited to actively participate, in an attempt to translate digitally the fishbowl discussion format developed by ARTPORT_making waves. The event is free and people are invited to register at