The evolution of fishing in the lagoon with Luigi Divari and Matteo Stocco (Metagoon)
Nowtilus. Stories from an urban lagoon in the 21st century
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Available on Ocean Archive, SoundCloud, Spotify, iTunes and Google Podcast.
In the seventh episode of the podcast series Nowtilus. Stories from an urban lagoon in the 21st century we will discover the lagoon and the varieties of aquatic creatures that inhabit it, seeking to understand the changes that have taken place in recent years. We will be doing this in the company of Luigi Divari, an expert in fishing and the sea, author, and painter of magnificent watercolors that feature traditional boats and the aquatic fauna of Venice, and Matteo Stocco, documentary filmmaker, who will talk to us about “Metagoon”, a research project that gathers interviews with researchers, scientists and fishermen, a plurality of perspectives from people who live and work in the lagoon environment.
The episode is available on Ocean Archive, SoundCloud, Spotify, iTunes and Google Podcast.
Music: Chateau Rouge by Christian Fennesz, track from the album “Venice” (2004) and excerpts from "EdiTidE" (2019) by Nicola Privato. Courtesy of Christian Fennesz and Touch Music, and Nicola Privato.
Luigi Divari

Luigi Divari was a captain of commercial ships operating on Mediterranean and Atlantic routes when he started painting in a naturalistic style, visually annotating the lagoon wildlife and the human activities related to it, combining captions deriving from historical sources, oral tradition and direct experience.
Matteo Stocco

Matteo Stocco is an independent video maker who lives and works in Venice. His main field of research concerns the dynamics and problems that influence the development of the contemporary city. The aim of his work is to explore the subtle boundaries between intimacy and everyday life.